Charity Fund for the Development of Sports Wrestling of Ukraine
Тел.: +38 (067) 141 88 44Email.: [email protected]
Charity Fund for the Development of Sports Wrestling of Ukraine
Тел.: +38 (067) 141 88 44Email.: [email protected]

Honoring Dmytro Shpak

The silver medalist of the European grappling championship, the organizer of the tournament named after E. Yankees, volunteer wrestler Dmytro Shpak. Friends and acquaintances remember the wrestler as a bright and fair person, and at competitions, he always went to the end, despite all the difficulties and injuries. His nickname “Good” best describes the wrestler from Sumy Oblast.

His wife Inna and two children were waiting for Dmytro at home.

Thanks to the joint efforts of partners and caring people, the Charity Fund for the Development of Sports Wrestling managed to collect one hundred thousand hryvnias for the family of the fallen hero.

The war continues, and the Russian invaders bring death and destruction to our land. Therefore, we continue to work tirelessly to provide for our military on the front lines, to help those athletes and their families who need support, and to restore what was damaged. Join the fundraising for the basic needs of the army and domestic athletes on the Foundation’s page. Let’s stay organized and work for VICTORY!

Reference: Dmytro Shpak achieved remarkable results and won many victories on the carpet. Master of Sports of Ukraine in Greco-Roman wrestling, silver medalist of the European Pankration Championship in 2011, champion of Ukraine in weightlifting in the “Amateur” category. These are just a few of the achievements that are known. But it is characteristic that he did not think about himself – but about the future, and most importantly – about the children. Having two of his own, he did not forget to make sure that Putivl children came to sports. He saw considerable potential in Putivl children and made every effort to involve them in the Greco-Roman struggle. And in memory of his outstanding coach M.I. Yanky organized a Greco-Roman wrestling tournament in his honor. He took care of Putivl’s young wrestlers and found the opportunity to make the best prizes for the winners.

And with the beginning of the war, Dmytro joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, he did not forget to support – not only morally – people from Putivlshchyna, he was a volunteer and had an active attitude in life. More than once or twice, he handed over necessary things for law enforcement officers and the military to Putivl voluntary organizations. Unfortunately, heaven takes away brave, kind, exceptional people – the best. They did their best, fought, choosing our freedom and peaceful life for children, giving the most precious – their own lives.

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